21 Common Danish Phrases to Know for Tourists + Pronunciation

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Learning some common and basic Danish phrases can go a long way in making your trip to Denmark more enjoyable and memorable. In this article, I’ll provide you with 21 of the most common Danish phrases that tourists should know to help you navigate your way through Denmark with ease.

Danes are known for speaking English very well. In fact, 86 percent of Danes speak English according to a study from the University of Copenhagen. While this is true, having these common Danish phrases at hand will help you when this is not the case.

Whether navigating through Denmark’s cities and countryside or simply wanting to immerse yourself in the local language and customs, these phrases will be helpful for any traveler. Alongside these phrases, I’d recommend also seeing this guide on traveling to Denmark on a budget.

Excuse meUndskyldoon-skil
Thank youTaktahg
Can I have the bill, please?Må jeg få regningen, tak?moh-ay eye foh ray-gning-en, tahg?
Where is the bathroom?Hvor er toilettet?vor air toy-let-eht?
How much does it cost?Hvad koster det?vahd koh-stehr deh?
I don’t understandJeg forstår ikkeyai for-stoh-er ehn-neh
Do you speak English?Kan du tale engelsk?kahn doo tah-leh eng-ehlsk?
What time is it?Hvad er klokken?vad air kloh-ken?
Where is the nearest metro station?Hvor ligger den nærmeste metro?vor lee-er den nair-mest-e may-troh?
Where is the nearest train station?Hvor ligger den nærmeste togstation?vor lee-er den nair-mest-e toh-sta-shun?
Good morningGodmorgengoh-mor-gen
Good dayGoddaggoh-die
Good eveningGodaftengoh-af-ten
My name is ___Jeg hedder ___yai heh-der ___
Can you help me?Kan du hjælpe mig?kahn doo hyel-peh may
Where is the nearest ATM?Hvor er den nærmeste hæveautomat?vor air den nair-mest-e heh-veh-aw-toh-maht?
Could you please repeat that?Kan du gentage det, tak?kahn doo yen-tah-geh deh, tahg?
I’m sorry, I don’t speak Danish.Jeg taler ikke dansk, undskyld.yai tah-lehr ehn-neh dahnsk, oon-skil

As a local Dane, I know that while most natives speak English fluently, it can still be helpful for tourists to learn some basic Danish phrases. These Danish terms will not only help you communicate effectively but also demonstrate to locals that you’re making an effort to understand their culture.

From greetings and polite expressions to asking for directions and ordering food, these phrases will not only help you communicate effectively but also show the locals that you’re making an effort to understand their culture.

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